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ISSN: 2333-9721




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Clima de seguran a do paciente: percep o dos profissionais de enfermagem Clima de seguridad del paciente: percepción de los profesionales de enfermería The climate of patient safety: perception of nursing professionals
Mayara Carvalho Godinho Rigobello,Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho,Silvia Helena De Bortoli Cassiani,Tanyse Galon
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/s0103-21002012000500013
Abstract: OBJETIVO: Avaliar a percep o do clima de seguran a dos profissionais de enfermagem atuantes nas clínicas médicas e cirúrgicas de um Hospital de Ensino. MéTODOS: Estudo transversal, descritivo e com abordagem quantitativa. Foi utilizado o Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) - Short Form 2006, traduzido para a língua portuguesa. RESULTADOS: A percep o do clima de seguran a dos profissionais variou conforme o gênero, a clínica, a categoria profissional e o tempo de atua o. A satisfa o no trabalho foi demonstrada por todos os profissionais, com escores acima de 75, enquanto o domínio Percep o da Gerência apresentou valores mais baixos. CONCLUS O: A satisfa o do profissional, o diálogo e o suporte à equipe por parte da administra o s o essenciais para a garantia da seguran a do paciente. Conhecer a percep o dos profissionais de enfermagem sobre o clima de seguran a contribui para a melhoria do cuidado em saúde e para a redu o dos riscos ao paciente. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la percepción del clima de seguridad de los profesionales de enfermería que actúan en las clínicas médicas y quirúrgicas de un Hospital de Ense anza. MéTODOS: Estudio transversal, descriptivo y con abordaje cuantitativo. Fue utilizado el Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) - Short Form 2006, traducido para la lengua portuguesa. RESULTADOS: La percepción del clima de seguridad de los profesionales varió conforme el género, la clínica, la categoría profesional y el tiempo de actuación. La satisfacción en el trabajo fue demostrada por todos los profesionales, con scores arriba de 75, en cuanto que el dominio Percepción de la Gerencia presentó valores más bajos. CONCLUSIóN: La satisfacción del profesional, el diálogo y el soporte al equipo por parte de la administración son esenciales para la garantía de la seguridad del paciente. Conocer la percepción de los profesionales de enfermería sobre el clima de seguridad contribuye para la mejoría del cuidado en salud y para la reducción de los riesgos del paciente. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the perception of the safety climate of nursing professionals working in the medical and surgical clinics of a teaching hospital. METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive study using a quantitative approach. We used the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) - Short Form 2006, translated into the Portuguese language. RESULTS: The perception of the safety climate of the professionals varied according to gender, clinic, professional category and time of work. Job satisfaction was demonstrated by all professionals, with scores above 75, while the domain of Perception
Prevalência de intera es medicamentosas em unidades de terapia intensiva no Brasil Prevalence of drug interactions in intensive care units in Brazil
Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho,Adriano Max Moreira Reis,Leila Márcia Pereira de Faria,Karine Santana de Azevedo Zago
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem , 2013,
Abstract: OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de intera es medicamentosas em unidades de terapia intensiva e analisar a significancia clínica das intera es identificadas. MéTODOS: Estudo multicêntrico, transversal e retrospectivo desenvolvido com 1124 pacientes em sete unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) de hospitais de ensino no Brasil. As informa es sobre os medicamentos administrados com 24 horas e 120 horas de interna o foram obtidas nas prescri es. RESULTADOS: Em 24 horas 70,6% dos pacientes apresentaram pelo menos uma intera o medicamentosa. O número de intera es medicamentosas detectadas em 24 horas foi 2299 e em 120 horas foi 2619. Midazolam, fentanil, fenitoína e omeprazol foram os fármacos com maior frequência de intera es medicamentosas. CONCLUS O: Nesta amostra, intera es medicamentosas moderadas e graves foram mais prevalentes. Diante desses resultados, todas as a es dos profissionais de saúde que prestam assistência ao paciente devem ser integradas visando identificar e prevenir possíveis eventos a medicamentos. OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of drug interactions in intensive care units and to analyze the clinical significance of interactions identified. METHODS: A multicenter, retrospective and cross sectional study conducted with 1124 patients in the seven intensive care units of teaching hospitals in Brazil. Information on drugs administered at 24 hours and 120 hours of hospitalization was obtained from the prescriptions. RESULTS: Within 24 hours, 70.6% of patients had at least one drug interaction; the number at 24h was 2299, at 120 h it was 2619. Midazolam, fentanyl, phenytoin and omeprazole were the drugs with higher frequency of drug interactions. CONCLUSION: In this sample, moderate and severe drug interactions were more prevalent. In light of these findings, all actions of health professionals who provide care to these patients must be integrated in order to identify and prevent possible drug events.
Potential drug interactions in intensive care patients at a teaching hospital
Lima, Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele;Cassiani, Silvia Helena De Bortoli;
Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-11692009000200013
Abstract: this study assessed potential drugs interactions in intensive care patients at a university hospital in ceará, northeast brazil. of 102 patients studied, 72.5% were exposed to 311 potential drug-drug interactions; 64% of them were females aged 60 years or more and hospital stay was at least 9 days. a statistically significant association was found between number of drugs used and the occurrence of drug interactions. a total of 1,140 drugs were scheduled to be administered concomitantly; of these, 74% had potential for drug interactions. as for the classification of these events, 48.2% had a pharmacokinetic profile; 55.4% were of slow onset; 54.7% had moderate severity; and 60.6% were well-documented in the literature. the most common clinical action taken was "to monitor signs and symptoms". nursing staff can perform 80% of preventive actions to avoid undesirable effects of drug interactions. however, nurses need to have adequate knowledge about drug action mechanisms and triggering factors associated to drug interactions.
Errors in medicine administration - profile of medicines: knowing and preventing
Reis, Adriano Max Moreira;Marques, Tatiane Cristina;Opitz, Simone Perufo;Silva, Ana Elisa Bauer de Camargo;Gimenes, Fernanda Raphael Escobar;Teixeira, Thalyta Cardoso Alux;Lima, Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele;Cassiani, Silvia Helena De Bortoli;
Acta Paulista de Enfermagem , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-21002010000200005
Abstract: objectives: to describe the pharmacological characteristics of medicines involved in administration errors and determine the frequency of errors with potentially dangerous medicines and low therapeutic index, in clinical units of five teaching hospitals, in brazil. methods: multicentric study, descriptive and exploratory, using the non-participant observation technique (during the administration of 4958 doses of medicines) and the anatomical therapeutic chemical classification (atc). results: of that total, 1500 administration errors were identified (30.3%). the administration of pharmacological groups - atc (cardiovascular system, nervous system, alimentary tract and metabolism system and anti-infectives for systemic use) showed a higher frequency of errors. in 13.0% of errors were involved potentially dangerous medicines and in 12.2% medicines with low therapeutic index. conclusion: the knowledge of the pharmacological profile could be an important strategy to be used in the prevention medication errors in health institutions.
Erros de administra??o de antimicrobianos identificados em estudo multicêntrico brasileiro
Marques, Tatiane Cristina;Reis, Adriano Max Moreira;Silva, Ana Elisa Bauer de Camargo;Gimenes, Fernanda Raphael Escobar;Opitz, Simone Perufo;Teixeira, Thalyta Cardoso Alux;Lima, Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele;Cassiani, Silvia Helena De Bortoli;
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Farmacêuticas , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-93322008000200016
Abstract: medication administration errors (mae) are the most frequent kind of medication errors. errors with antimicrobial drugs (ad) are relevant because they may interfere in patient safety and in the development of microbial resistance. the aim of this study is to analyze the ad errors detected in a brazilian multicentric study of mae. it was a descriptive and exploratory study carried out in clinical units in five brazilian teaching hospitals. the hospitals were investigated during 30 days. mae were detected by observation technique. mae were classified in categories: wrong route(wr), wrong patient(wp), wrong dose(wd) wrong time (wt) and unordered drug (ud). ad with mae were classified by anatomical-therapeutical-chemical classification system. ad with narrow therapeutic index (nti) were identified. a descriptive statistical analysis was performed using spss version 11.5 software. a total of 1500 errors were observed, 277 (18.5%) of them were errors with ad. the types of ad error were: wt 87.7%, wd 6.9%, wr 1.5%, ud 3.2% and wp 0.7%. the number of ad found was 36. the mostly atc class were fluoroquinolones 13.9%, combinations of penicillin 13.9%, macrolides 8.3% and third-generation cephalosporins 5.6%. the parenteral drug dosage form was associated with 55.6% of ad. 16.7% of ad were nti. 47.4% of wd and 21.8% wt were with nti drugs. this study shows that these errors should be considered potential areas for improvement in the medication process and patient safety plus there is requirement to develop rational drug use of ad.
Daniel Franco de Carvalho,Laéria Fontenele
Psicanálise e Barroco em Revista , 2010,
Abstract: Our main goal on this study was to reflect about the return of the suggestive practice nowadays - which have been already criticized by Freud as being inefficient and dangerous, and therefore, were abandoned even by him since the psychoanalysis foundation. In this sense, we are going to work with a comparative analysis on the speech present on the psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and Self-Help, taking into account its contents and effects
Studies on Production Planning of Dispersion Type U3Si2-Al Fuel in Plate-Type Fuel Elements for Nuclear Research Reactors  [PDF]
Miguel Luiz Miotto Negro, Michelangelo Durazzo, Marco Aurélio de Mesquita, Elita Fontenele Urano de Carvalho, Delvonei Alves de Andrade
World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (WJNST) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/wjnst.2016.64023
Abstract: Several fuel plants that supply nuclear research reactors need to increase their production capacity in order to meet the growing demand for this kind of nuclear fuel. After the enlargement of the production capacity of such plants, there will be the need of managing the new production level. That level is usually the industrial one, which poses challenges to the managerial staff. Such challenges come from the fact that several of those plants operate today on a laboratorial basis and do not carry inventory. The change to the industrial production pace asks for new actions regarding planning and control. The production process based on the hydrolysis of UF6 is not a frequent production route for nuclear fuel. Production planning and control of the industrial level of fuel production on that production route is a new field of studies. The approach of the paper consists in the creation of a mathematical linear model for minimization of costs. We also carried out a sensitivity analysis of the model. The results help in minimizing costs in different production schemes and show the need of inventory. The mathematical model is dynamic, so that it issues better results if performed monthly. The management team will therefore have a clearer view of the costs and of the new, necessary production and inventory levels.
Short-Term Evaluation in Growing Rats of Diet Containing Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ia12 Entomotoxin: Nutritional Responses and Some Safety Aspects
Luciane Mour o Guimar es,Davi Felipe Farias,Relinda Campos Carvalho Muchagata,Mariana Quezado de Magalh es,Cláudio Cabral Campello,Thales Lima Rocha,Ilka Maria Vasconcelos,Ana Fontenele Urano Carvalho,Fernanda Mulinari,Maria Fátima Grossi-de-Sa
Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology , 2010, DOI: 10.1155/2010/630267
Abstract: The Cry1Ia12 entomotoxin from a Brazilian Bacillus thuringiensis strain is currently being expressed in cotton cultivars to confer resistance to insect-pests. The present study aimed to assess the effects of a diet containing Cry1Ia12 protein on growing rats. A test diet containing egg white and Cry1Ia12 (0.1% of total protein) as a protein source was offered to rats for ten days. In addition, an acute toxicity bioassay was performed in rats with a single oral dose of the entomotoxin (12 mg/animal). No adverse effects were observed in the animals receiving the test diet when compared to those receiving a control diet (egg white). The analysed parameters included relative dry weight of internal organs, duodenum histology, blood biochemistry, and nutritional parameters. The results of the acute toxicity test showed no mortality or behaviour alteration. Thus, Cry1Ia12 toxin at the tested concentration does not cause deleterious effects on growing rats when incorporated in the diet for 10 days.
Determination of Uranium Traces in Nuclear Reactor IEA-R1 Pool Water  [PDF]
Adonis Marcelo Saliba-Silva, Olair dos Santos, Elita Fontenele Urano de Carvalho, Humberto Gracher Riella, Michelangelo Durazzo
World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (WJNST) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/wjnst.2017.73014
Abstract: IEA-R1 nuclear reactor operation has the routine to control uranium content in pool water to be in trace range below 50 μg/L. There are several routes to determine the uranium trace content in water in the literature; voltammetry has been systematically employed. In the present study, the chosen chemical determination of uranium traces used the voltammetric method known as AdCSV (adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry). This technique, based on mercury voltammetry, is an adequate methodology to determine uranium traces. The chloranilic acid [CAA] (2,5-dichloro-3,6-dihydroxy-1,4-benzo-quinone) is indicated as chelating agent. The redox reaction of UO2+2with CAA is sensitive in the range of 2 < pH < 3. But pH variation imposes changing on [UO2(CAA)2] reduction potential. In this work, we present the uranium trace results for IEA-R1 reactor water, sampled after an operation routine shutdown. The uranium trace determination for IEA-R1 pool water showed content around 1 μg/L [U] with statistical significance. Therefore the IEA-R1-reactor-water purification showed to be adequate and safe.
Studies on Capacity Expansion of Fuel Plants for Nuclear Research Reactors  [PDF]
Miguel Luiz Miotto Negro, Michelangelo Durazzo, Marco Aurélio de Mesquita, Elita Fontenele Urano de Carvalho, Roberto Navarro de Mesquita, Delvonei Alves de Andrade
World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (WJNST) , 2018, DOI: 10.4236/wjnst.2018.82005
Abstract: The demand for nuclear fuel for research reactors is rising worldwide. Thus, the production facilities of this kind of fuel need reliable guidance on how to augment their production in order to meet the increasing demand efficiently and safely. We proposed a specific procedure for increasing production capacity. That procedure was tested with data from a real plant, which produces plate-type fuel elements loaded with LEU U3Si2-Al fuel. The test was made by means of discrete event simulation, and the results indicated the proposed procedure is efficient in raising production capacity.

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